Discover Hello Kittys Pirate Chest Dresser Adventure
Here's the information about the Pirate Chest Dresser in Hello Kitty Island Adventure:
How to Obtain the Pirate Chest Dresser
To obtain the Pirate Chest Dresser, you need to complete the Telltale Totems Puzzle Room located in Rainbow Reef. This puzzle room is accessible only after completing the Reef Revival quest, which unlocks at Hello Kitty Friendship Level 11.
Location of the Telltale Totems Puzzle Room
The Telltale Totems Ancient Door is located underwater near the Hopscotch Islands. You can reach it by diving or by taking the path from the Resort Plaza mailbox between Small Gift, Big Smile, and Hello Kitty Cafe.
Solving the Telltale Totems Puzzle
To solve the puzzle, you need to place blocks on specific symbols on the floor to match the symbols on the treasure door. The symbols are a red heart, a yellow star, and a blue triangle. Each flag points to where you should place the blocks to activate the corresponding symbol on the door.
Purpose of the Pirate Chest Dresser
The Pirate Chest Dresser is required to invite Chiffon to your island. You need to place it in a Visitor Cabin to meet Chiffon's visitor requirements.
Alternative Acquisition
There is also a chance that the Pirate Chest Dresser might appear in My Melody's shop, but the furniture for sale rotates randomly.